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In order to use EveryVoice on GPUs, you must install PyTorch and Cuda, Python 3.10 or more recent, a number of other dependencies, and EveryVoice itself. The following sections describe three ways to accomplish this:

The EveryVoice installation process can be somewhat involved, so we have automated it as much as we could.

  • Install miniconda or conda.
  • Clone the EveryVoice repo and its submodules:
    git clone
    cd EveryVoice
    git submodule update --init
  • Run our automated environment creation script
    ./make-everyvoice-env --name EveryVoice
    conda activate EveryVoice
    Add the option --cuda CUDA_VERSION if you need to override the default CUDA version, or --cpu to use Torch compiled for CPU use only.

Using Pip

We hope direct installation from PyPI will work:

  • Follow the PyTorch installation instructions relevant to your hardware, but specify version 2.1.0: torch==2.1.0, and torchaudio==2.1.0.

  • Install EveryVoice:

    pip install everyvoice==0.1.0a

Manual installation

If you prefer to do the complete installation process manually, or if the automated process does not work for you, follow these steps:

Install Conda

Install miniconda or conda.

Create the environment

Use conda to create a new environment based on Python 3.10:

conda create --name EveryVoice python=3.10
conda activate EveryVoice

Pytorch dependencies

Install our pytorch requirements from requirements.torch.txt, replacing cu118 below (for CUDA 11.8) by your actual CUDA version tag (118 or higher), or by cpu for a CPU-only installation:

CUDA_TAG=cu118 pip install -r requirements.torch.txt --find-links

Alternatively, you can follow the PyTorch installation instructions relevant to your hardware. Make sure you specify the version declared in requirements.torch.txt, which is 2.1.0 at the moment.

Other potentially tricky dependencies

These requirements sometimes require being run separately:

pip install cython
conda install sox -c conda-forge

Handling running out of temp disk space

Installation will require a fair bit of space on ~/.cache and your $TMPDIR (/tmp by default, if $TMPDIR is not set). If you get the error OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device during installation, you may need to do one or both of these operations: - export TMPDIR=/path/to/a/large/tmp/space (or maybe export TMPDIR=.) - mkdir /path/to/a/large/filesystem/.cache; ln -s /path/to/a/large/filesystem/.cache ~/.cache

Install EveryVoice itself

Install EveryVoice locally from your cloned sandbox:

pip install -e .

Dev dependencies

Before you can run the test suites, you'll also need to install the dev dependencies:

pip install -r

Git hooks

If you plan to contribute to the project, please install our Git hooks:

pre-commit install
gitlint install-hook
git submodule foreach 'pre-commit install'
git submodule foreach 'gitlint install-hook'